Sunday, June 25, 2006

Thanks Darren & Susan

For my birthday, Darren & Susan gave me a gift card to Lowes. So, finally, the other day I spent my gift card on a watering system for my tomato plants. They had been watered by a sprinkler, but when they got tall, the ones in front could not get any water because the ones in back blocked the sprinkler. So now, each plant has its own little water supply. I have also bought chemicals to spray for "Blosom end Rot". (Didn't know what that was until I moved to Utah), and another spray to help the blossoms produce fruit. We'll see!!


Carrie said...

I don't get it. Do each of those arms go right to the tomatoe plant?

Susan said...

Glad you made good use of it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, each line goes directly to a tomato plant.

Anonymous said...

Did you add it to an exsisting sprinkler head?

Anonymous said...

Blossom End rot is often caused by over watering or inconsistent watering.

Well, sort of. I just looked it up to verify that and found this out. Notice the last sentence. It kind of relates to what I said above.

"Blossom-end rot of tomatoes is a physiological disorder caused by a lack of sufficient calcium in the blossom end of the fruit. This disorder results in the decay of tomato fruits on their blossom end. Dry brown or tan areas the size of a dime, that grow to the size of a half dollar, characterize this disorder. This disorder is usually most severe following extremes in soil moisture (either too dry or too wet)."

Carl and Pat said...

Yes, I added it to an existing sprinkler head. Very easy. Took about 1/2 hour to do the whole project.